These days, with so many different streaming services and television channels, it can be difficult for new shows to stand out. Competing for your watch time, there are plenty of weird and wonderful titles coming out all the time. Unfortunately, many of them do not stand the test of time and end up being canceled before they get a chance to flourish. One show which has stuck around is the wildly entertaining reality makeover show Queer Eye.
In this show, a team of eccentric style experts connect with people who often have different beliefs and lifestyles to redefine their look, diet, homes or relationships. Although the original series aired back in 2003, it was rebooted by Netflix in 2018 with a whole new fab five and location. Focusing on the current six seasons of this newer version of the show, we will be breaking down the 7 best Queer Eye episodes.
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10. A Tale of Two Cultures, Season 4, Episode 6

In this episode of Queer Eye, the fab five travel to Philadelphia to meet Cory and Joey. Cory is a cool and collected African American DJ and Joey is a lovable Italian American who works at his family’s deli. These two are so different and yet going through similar struggles that the fab five can help with.
Cory is struggling with finding balance in his life, as his job takes up most of his time. As a result, he doesn’t often participate in self-care and socializing. The fab five work with him to create a schedule that allows him to prioritize his passions.
On the other hand, Joey feels disconnected from his family’s culture. This episode reveals that he is openly gay, but sadly, his family is not fully accepting. The fab five work to bridge the gap between Joey and his family by helping him reconnect with his heritage.
Throughout the episode, the fab five showcase the importance of valuing one’s identity and embracing diversity. By accepting each other and prioritizing happiness, we can actually bring our communities closer together.
IMDb rating- 8.2
9. Sky’s The Limit, Season 2, Episode 5
In Season 2, we have one of the best Queer Eye episodes as the fab five travel to a small town in Georgia to help out Skyler, a young man who has spent most of his life caring for his grandmother and running a local community center. Skyler is described as a hardworking and selfless individual who has put his own needs aside for the sake of others.
The fab five set out to give Skyler a makeover that will boost his confidence and help him achieve his dreams of becoming a successful performer. Antoni teaches him how to make a healthy and delicious meal for his friends, while Tan helps him update his wardrobe. Bobby transforms Skyler’s community center into a sleek and modern space, while Jonathan gives him a new haircut and teaches him how to style it.
Throughout the episode, the fab five also help Skyler confront some serious stuff. Specifically, he expresses his fear of coming out as gay to his conservative family and hometown. They provide him with emotional support and encouragement to be true to himself.
In the end, Skyler performs at a local drag show, showcasing his newfound confidence and self-expression. The fab five watch proudly from the audience, concluding a super emotional and heartwarming episode.
IMDb rating: 8.4
8. You Can’t Fix Ugly, Season 1, Episode 1
The first episode of Queer Eye‘s first season, titled “You Can’t Fix Ugly”, features a man named Tom Jackson who lives in a small town in Georgia. Tom is a middle-aged man who is struggling in different areas of his life, including his appearance, finances, and personal relationships.
Throughout the episode, Tom opens up about his divorce and his slightly estranged relationship with his daughter. With the help of the fab five, Tom makes significant changes in his life and opens himself up. As a result, he takes his ex-wife on a date and even reconnects with his daughter.
The episode ends with Tom showcasing his new look and lifestyle to his friends and family who are amazed at his overall makeover. Tom expresses his gratitude to the fab five and credits them for changing his life.
IMDb rating: 8.7
7. Black Girl Magic – Season 3, Episode 5
“Black Girl Magic” was the first episode of Queer Eye to feature a lesbian hero, making it particularly special. Jess has a sad story, since she was thrown out by her adoptive parents due to her sexual orientation. Picking her up from her lows with some fresh style, a new haircut, and even a reunion with her biological sister, “Black Girl Magic” will tug at your heartstrings. What is even more amazing is that fans of the show raised over $70,000 in a Gofundme for Jess so that she could go back to college.
IMDb Rating: 9.1
6. God Bless Gay – Season 2, Episode 1
Heading back to Season 2, we have another episode that becomes very emotional. Despite what you’re thinking from the title, it is actually called that because the fab five travel to a town called Gay in Georgia. Interestingly, this is the first time that a woman was the star of the show. Tammye helps out at a church that her mother founded and the gang decide to remodel the church in addition to giving her a makeover. The main reason they do this is that Tammye’s son is coming home as a gay man to a church that turned their back on him when they learned of his sexuality. Powerful and also funny, “God Bless Gay” goes down as one of the best Queer Eye episodes.
IMDb Rating: 9.1
5. Snow White of Central Texas – Season 6, Episode 7
Down in Texas, the gang meet Wallace-Gringer at her animal rescue sanctuary called “Safe In Austin.” On top of this, she is a mother of three and runs a program where special needs children can meet her rescued animals. Because her operation runs off of donations, the fab five help her to refresh while they revamp her rescue center. Seeing such a generous person receive some much needed help is incredibly inspiring and make this one of the best Queer Eye episodes of all time.
IMDb Rating: 9.1
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4. To Gay or Not Too Gay, Season 1, Episode 4
In “To Gay or Not Too Gay,” the Fab Five visits AJ who is a 32-year-old software engineer who is reluctant to embrace his gay identity. AJ prefers the label “socially awkward” even though it is self-deprecating and not entirely true.
He lives in a messy apartment and spends most of his time on his computer. Enter the fab five. First, Tan helps him to improve his wardrobe and Antoni shows him how to cook a simple meal. Bobby gives his apartment a much-needed makeover, and Jonathan gives him a hair tutorial.
The biggest challenge of this episode was helping AJ come to terms with his sexuality and open up to his family and friends. When AJ’s stepmother comes to visit him, AJ realizes the importance of being honest with those close to you. By the end of “To Gay or Not Too Gay,” AJ comes out and his family accepts him with open arms. It’s an incredibly inspiring episode that shares a positive outlook on life and even not fitting in all the time.
IMDb rating: 9.2
3. On Golden Kenny – Season 4, Episode 5
In one of the sweetest episodes of the show ever, we meet a man named Kenny who is a retired bachelor in Kansas City who is a part time bartender. One of the main things that Kenny wanted was a makeover for his home, so that he could be proud of having his massive Croatian family visit. In some incredibly heartwarming scenes, Kenny accepts that he is not a failure like he once thought and forms an incredible relationship with the fab five.
IMDb Rating: 9.2
2. Disabled but Not Really – Season 4, Episode 2
In this uplifting episode, the Queer Eye gang visit a man named Wesley Hamilton who is paralyzed after being shot a few years ago. Today, he runs an organization called “Disabled But Not Really,” with the intent to instill confidence in people with disabilities by improving their diet and physical fitness. Extraordinarily, Wesley meets with his attacker during this episode and their conversation is very empowering. With specific challenges like clothing getting stuck in his wheelchair and the accessibility of his home, the solutions outlined are helpful for many people in similar situations around the world.
IMDb Rating: 9.3
1. Jones Bar-B-Q – Season 3, Episode 3
As our best Queer Eye episodes list comes to an end, this final episode centers around a pair of sisters running a restaurant in Kansas City called “Jones Bar-B-Q.” The sisters, Mary and Deborah display a strong work ethic despite having to work in poor conditions. One thing that makes this episode interesting is that most of the work of the fab five is focused on improvements to the restaurant, which benefits both the sisters and the local community. This even extends to their secret sauce recipe being mass produced to be sold using exposure from the show. In terms of the makeovers, Mary has a missing tooth she has had for many years replaced and seeing her smile is a truly heartwarming experience.
IMDb Rating: 9.4
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The “fab five” as the Queer Eye stars have been named never disappoint their guests or the audience. You can always count on this show to restore your faith in humanity because it is all about kindness, forgiveness, and getting a fresh start. You’ll learn a lot in the process since they always have the best tips. These 7 best Queer Eye episodes will make you laugh, cry, and feel good inside. All 6 seasons are available on Netflix, so you can start binging right away.
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