Best Gilmore Girls Quotes
Credit: Netflix

There are very few TV shows that can match the quick-witted humor of Gilmore Girls. Die-hard fans know just how fast the main characters talk, which makes their stand-out quotes that much more memorable. The show’s clever dialogue never ceases, especially if it has to do with an iconic pop culture moment. Even though fans seem the most enamored by Lorelai, characters like Paris, Luke, and Emily also share incredible one-liners. Here are the best Gilmore Girls quotes to highlight our favorite and spirited moments of the show.

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15. “If you’re having a bad day, find a ledge or a way to deal. My door is not open to you. Ever.” S6E12

Paris Geller In The Newsroom
Credit: Netflix

14. “If eating cake is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” S2E3

Lorelai Eating Cake
Credit: Netflix

13. “Oy with the poodles, already.” S2E22

Lorelai And Rory At The Grandparents House
Credit: Netflix

12. “Jerk, arrogant, inconsiderate, mindless, frat boy, low life, buttface miscreant!” S5E10

Rory At School
Credit: Netflix

11. “Buy me a boa and drive me to Reno, because I am open for business!” S5E1

Emily Gilmore Goes To Europe
Credit: Netflix

10. “I am an Autumn.” S1E6

Richard Gilmore Reading The Paper
Credit: Netflix

9. “We can’t be lost; we don’t know where we’re going.” S2E4

Lorelai And Rory At Harvard
Credit: Netflix

8. “Raise your right hand and say, ‘May Destiny’s Child break up if I count these blueberries.'” S2E9

Sookie St James Gilmore Girls
Credit: Netflix

7. “Violent pencil-tossing usually signals a need for pie.” S1E4

Luke Danes
Credit: Netflix

6. “Lorelai, when a woman has a crack baby, you do not buy her a puppy!” S5E13

Emily Gilmore Vow Renewal
Credit: Netflix

5. “I’m afraid that once your heart is involved, it all comes out in moron.” S1E7

Lorelai And Rory
Credit: Netflix

4. “You cannot keep a group of Anglo-Saxons waiting this long or they’ll start to form more clubs.” S5E13

Cousin Marilyn
Credit: Netflix

3. “Who wants to play an insipid board game with me?” S5E2

Michel Gerard Gilmore Girls
Credit: Netflix

2. “No, it’s National Baptism Day. Tie your tubes, idiot.” S4E17

Paris Saying
Credit: Reddit

1. “Reality has absolutely no place in our world.” S4E1

Lorelai And Rory In Stars Hollow
Credit: Netflix
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