Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

While selecting the top ten best Doctor Who episodes ever is akin to dissecting the time vortex itself, some episodes from the Time Lord’s six decades on television successfully make the cut. varied viewers will have varied interpretations of Doctor Who as an institution of British culture and the sci-fi genre.

Every generation has “their” Doctor Who from a certain era. One of the few TV series that can alternate between gripping horror, thought-provoking drama, and, since 2005 at least, tragic romance is Doctor Who. Doctor Who, like Colin Baker, is a man of many colors, which makes deciding the best Doctor Who episodes quite difficult.

Classic era serials will be counted in their entirety here, and modern Doctor Who two-parters will be tallied together. The regrettable disclaimer that many 1960s Doctor Who episodes are still unfinished or missing is also included in this list. While the available footage and audio may not be entirely impartial, grievances should be filed with the BBC’s 1960s storage department and placed in the closest TARDIS. The 1996 Doctor Who TV movie has no chance whatsoever of being chosen, hence it is pointless whether it should be eligible or not. Only canon TV stories will be available for selection as the best Doctor Who episodes.

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10. Fugitive Of The Judoon (2020)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

9. The Daleks (1963)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

8. The Day Of The Doctor (2013)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

7. World Enough & Time/The Doctor Falls (2017)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

6. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (2005)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

5. Human Nature/The Family Of Blood (2007)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

4. The Talons Of Weng-Chiang (1977)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

3. The Girl In The Fireplace (2006)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

2. Genesis Of The Daleks (1975)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

1. Heaven Sent (2015) – Best Doctor Who Episodes

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC

Honorable Mention: Blink (2007)

Best Doctor Who Episodes
Credit: BBC
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