Free Brand Advertising Will Vault Disney+ To &Quot;Streaming Wars&Quot; Superiority
Credit: Disney+

When it comes to the “Streaming Wars,” the service with the rights to Star Wars, Disney+, has the innate means to go downright IMPERIAL on the competition. That is, with minimal marketing effort, if preliminary numbers and research are to be believed.

Yes, according to data compiled by, among 1,097 people surveyed across all age ranges, 63 percent were aware of Disney+. Within five days of launch, its subscriber count was a cool 15 million.

This isn’t hot take click bait hour. Disney simply owns so many beloved IPs and is so thoroughly ingrained in mass entertainment’s cultural memory.

Disney+ way out ahead of Apple TV+

The research inevitably compared the two streaming services, since both launched in November. That 63 percent figure of awareness? That dwarfs Apple TV+, who came in at 34 percent.

Free promotions (seven-day trial) accounted for 40 percent of intent subscribers in the survey. However, the $6.99 per month price point was deemed too expensive by only 11 percent of the intended subscriber base.

Apple TV+ is just $4.99 per month, and came out with tons of original series, as opposed to Disney+ rolling out a massive catalog. However, the research shows based on subscription projections, Disney+ should generate $1.3 billion annually, while Apple TV+ would be way behind at $66 million.

Apple isn’t a small brand by any means. Its new TV shows have been quite good, too. This just further illustrates Disney’s power.

Pixar, Star Wars carrying the load

Despite limited original programming upon launch, Disney+ is riding nostalgia to Streaming Wars success.

Among the surveyed peoples, 40 percent found the Pixar catalog to be Disney+’s most attractive feature. Then, 26 percent said new original content.

This just goes to show the power of Star Wars and the sensation that is The Mandalorian. The first live-action TV show set in a galaxy far, far away is the world’s most in-demand series.

Everyone knows Disney owns Star Wars. That’s the free advertising we’re talking about. It sells itself. Eventually, every movie from the iconic franchise will feature in Disney+’s library.

Thanks to its deep vault of classic animated features, affiliation with Pixar and Star Wars purchase, Disney+ wields so much influence over four-quadrant properties.

Will Disney+ steal market share from Streaming Wars rivals?

Among the most compelling findings of the research is 24 percent of subscribers or those with intent to subscribe would cancel another streaming service in favor of Disney+.

How’s that for a mic drop? This number will easily rise, as awareness, positive word-of-mouth and appealing titles continue flooding in.

Netflix launched in 1997. The fact people would already consider leaving the pioneers of streaming for Disney+ is a massive win. Plus, one of the top competitors, Hulu, may ultimately converge with the newest streamer, since it’s under full Disney control.

This is all going to make it even more difficult for HBO Max and its risky, aggressively-spending plan.

Anyone else want to try Disney+ in the Streaming Wars? Who has more upside in this epic clash of titans than the Mouse House?

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