Instant Reaction: &Quot;Dickinson&Quot; Review On Apple Tv+
Credit: Apple TV official poster

What could be better than a 19th century setting and story lines that explore the constraints of society, gender and family from the perspective of rebellious young poet Emily Dickinson? If that sounds like your jam, then this Apple TV+ half-hour comedy series is set to thrill your senses.

Apple dropped a news release on Thursday to celebrate the show’s world premiere at St. Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn.

Hailee Steinfield (not Jerry’s kid, denote the spelling) stars as the titular character in what Apple hopes will lead them to the Netflix-revenue holy land and into streaming relevance.

Not Angie, Emily

All 10 episodes of the first season of Dickinson will be binge-ready on November 1st, the same day that Apple TV+ launches.

Checkout Apple’s brand new trailer for Dickson.

Clark W. Griswold pride

Beyond Steinfeld, the cast features non-household names with the exception of the wonderful Cousin Vicki from National Lampoon’s Vacation movie. The good Vacation movie from 1980 starring Chevy Chase (when he was funny), not that piece of crap that Warner Bros. bastardized several years ago. Hope you got a hell of a check, Ed Helms!

Cousin Vicki (Jane Krakowski) is joined by Ella Hunt, Anna Baryshnikov, Adrian Blake Enscoe, and Toby Huss in cast of Dickinson on Apple TV+.

Saying nothing… sometimes says the most

In the end, it’s always about the talent of the showrunner when it comes to television. And that person is Alena Smith.

She was a story editor on The Affair that starred Dominic West (you know, Jimmy McNulty from The Wire) and a staff writer on the “make-your-eyes-roll-into-the-back-of-your-head” Aaron Sorkin television series The Newsroom.

It will be interesting to see how the public receives this slew of new Apple TV+ shows, as from where I’m stood it seems Apple is clearly chasing awards season and journalistic fawning.

Amy Sherman-Palladino you’ve set the bar very high. Thank you.

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