Credit: Netflix

The Witcher plunges its silver sword into Netflix on December 20th, and we get to watch its guts spill out in 4K binge-worthy glory. That’s right — all episodes will be available on Day 1. Talk about a Christmas miracle, considering the drip-feed approach done by Disney+ and Apple TV+.

Whether you know The Witcher from Andrzej Sapkowski books or the video game, this show will be on your radar this Christmas. For those who know nothing about it, add it to your watchlist now, because it’s going to be epic. Mixing fantasy with monster hunting horror, this isn’t exactly what we’ve been missing since Game of Thrones ended, but it’s close enough.

On to our bold predictions for Netflix’s The Witcher.

It starts better than “Game of Thrones” ends

Game of Thrones split its audience during that last season. Some would even say there’s a nasty taste left in fan’s mouths after Daenerys went full “Mad Queen.”

The Witcher will start with something big: a monster fight that mixes bloody horror and fantasy magic with swordplay. Although it’s not Game of Thrones, it’ll be like medicine, cleansing that Season 8 after-taste and tantalizing HBO’s audience.

Prediction: Expect clips from The Witcher‘s opening scenes used in tweets saying, “Game of who?”

Character-driven, not just fights

Those who don’t know the book or game series might think The Witcher will be light on character development and heavy on action. That couldn’t be further from the truth. One actor has already spoken about their character studies.

“It’s a huge scale project – it’s very intimate in terms of the character studies, which is what I love. When it comes to taking a role, that’s the most important thing.”

Royce Pierreson, The Witcher actor via Digital Spy

As this is a new world to explore, the story will focus on Geralt’s (The Witcher) beginning. It’ll likely be set around his relationship with Yennefer of Vengerberg, a fiery sorcerer and longtime paramour.

Additionally, there’s Ciri, another Witcher under Geralt’s wing, and of course Jaskier, the bard (or Dandelion as he’s named in the games). Each character is distinct, and should help drive a rich narrative.

Prediction: The show will be character-driven, with Jaskier the bard ending as everyone’s favorite.

Geralt will be someone we love to hate

There’s a reason Henry Cavill was desperate to play Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher series. He’s the ultimate b*stard antihero who’s been treated as a monster and often treats others like the bad boy he is.

This is a role that evil Superman should relish, not to mention his visual transformation into The Witcher is nothing short of stunning. Check out this game-show comparison. It’s uncanny.


Prediction: Henry Cavill’s Geralt will become a sex symbol. Think John Snow (Kit Harington) from Game of Thrones.

The John Wick of fantasy fight scenes

When John Wick first hit our screens, it left us open-mouthed. The action was exhilarating, it was the perfect mix of Bourne and The Raid but with a Keanu Reeves likability. The Witcher is going to be everything Game of Thrones wasn’t when it comes to combat, leaving us with John Wick vibes.

Showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich worked on Netflix’s Daredevil, The Defenders, and The Umbrella Academy. She knows action.

Plus, The Witcher is a mix of horror and fantasy, so there is no limitation on what they can and can’t show. It’s going to be bloody, clinical and supremely choreographed.

Prediction: Forget Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and anything else with sword fights. My prediction is that The Witcher battles will top them all.

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