Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios

You’ll understand if you’ve ever read the original Grimms’ Fairy Tales that Disney is able to retell or recreate old tales so that kids can enjoy them without being traumatized, and their lessons are still very relevant. This is one of the reasons that their classic animated feature films are so timeless, along with their heroic portrayals of male Disney characters. These tales typically revolve around one or more characters who must triumph over an epic-scale challenge, which frequently entails overcoming a personal weakness. Usually, this is accomplished by learning via hardship versus a powerful foe. In the simplest terms possible, that is the hero’s journey.

As we grew up, we had many heroes to select from thanks to those beloved Disney Renaissance movies, but not all of them were ideal role models. Some male Disney characters were more heroic than others, sometimes because their tales permitted more heroic deeds and other times because the traditional heroic qualities simply didn’t play a significant role in their persona.

We’ll go over six of the Disney Renaissance’s animated human heroes to determine which ones displayed more heroic behavior than others. We want to know which male Disney characters, in light of their circumstances, showed the greatest heroism; we want to know which ones showed courage, compassion, and humility; we want to know what or who they saved and why.

Read More: Which Disney Movies Are Based on History?

6. Li Shang

Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios

5. Hercules

6 Most Heroic Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios

4. Milo Thatch

6 Most Heroic Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios

3. Aladdin

6 Most Heroic Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios

2. Tarzan

6 Most Heroic Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios

1. Prince Naveen- Most Heroic Male Disney Characters

6 Most Heroic Male Disney Characters
Credit: Walt Disney Studios
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