Best Shark Movies On Netflix, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

When it comes to the ocean, most would imagine the tranquil waters and soaking up the sun. Or maybe the refreshing drinks on vacation exploring the sandy beaches. But others might avoid the water entirely because of the dangers that lurk underneath the sea. Movies, like the best shark movies on Netflix right now, heighten the fears of getting attacked by sharks.

The horror of movies like Jaws keeps everyone near the coastline, glancing at the blue waters to reassure themselves of the potential doom. But some movies are also beautiful and inspirational, giving us a second look at what is commonly a dangerous creature. If you want to explore the underwater depths of the sea, then take a look at some of the best shark movies on Netflix, from horror to educational. 

5. Under Paris (2024)

5 Best Shark Movies On Netflix
Credit: Netflix

4. 47 Meters Down: Caged (2019)

5 Best Shark Movies On Netflix
Credit: Netflix

3. Deep Fear (2023)

5 Best Shark Movies On Netflix
Credit: Netflix

2. Mako (2021)

5 Best Shark Movies On Netflix
Credit: Netflix

1. Mission Blue (2014)

5 Best Shark Movies On Netflix
Credit: Netflix
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