Be warned: this 2020 ranking of the best Disney+ movies skips remakes of classic cartoons like The Lion King, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast. We’ve done this because we wanted to rank what else Disney+ has up their sleeve for us in 2020. If you want remake dates, we’ve included them below:
- Aladdin, January 8th
- The Lion King, January 28th
- Beauty and the Beast, October 1st
Below are the 25 movies we’ve picked from Disney+’s confirmed releases in 2020. If we’ve not picked it, it’s worst than what we’ve listed or a remake of a classic cartoon. These movies are ranked in the order of what we at SNIPdaily will watch and includes Rotten Tomatoes audience review scores.
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#25. A Wrinkle In Time (March 25th)
Oprah’s A Wrinkle In Time scored a terrible 27 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. As a fan of Oprah, the less said about this movie, the better, and the only way it makes my screen is if I want to know just how bad it really is. Check out its trailer below.
#24. Sky High (December 1st)
One thing is sure about Disney’s Sky High: its Rotten Tomatoes reviewer scores don’t match its name. The movie scored a “Rotten” 57 percent. The movie is worth watching only to see what Disney was doing with superheroes pre-Marvel.
#23. Mr. Magoo (November 1st)
As a big fan of Leslie Nielsen, the Rotten Tomatoes score for Mr. Magoo is terrible, although understandable. The movie scored a pathetic 24 percent. I’d recommend The Naked Gun series, but you won’t find that on Disney+.
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#22. The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (November 28th)
Another movie, another rotten score from Rotten Tomatoes. The Nutcracker and the Four Realms made our top 25 because it looks pretty and has strong source material, but it will unlikely make it to our screen unless curiosity over its 33 percent rating gets the better of us.
#21. Christopher Robin (September 5th)
The first movie on this list that actually has a good Rotten Tomatoes score and is more than just cliches and slapstick. If you’re looking for something with childhood magic, Christopher Robin is a movie you should set a reminder for. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave the movie 83 percent.
#20. Holes (January 1st)
Back when Shia LeBeouf wasn’t full of crazy antics, a movie called Holes put him on the big screen map. If you want to find out the significance of these dug holes, you don’t have long to wait. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave the movie 76 percent and in all honesty, it is worth watching.
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#19. Mr. Holland’s Opus (October 1st)
Richard Dreyfuss is pretty darn great in Mr. Holland’s Opus. The music teacher whose passion evolves from leaving his mark on music, to leaving a mark on his students is poignant but not for everyone. It’s definitely on our list of movies to watch coming to Disney+ in 2020. Even Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave it a strong 83 percent — just don’t expect your kids to be putting it on.
#18. Bedtime Stories (March 5th)
Bedtime Stories isn’t the best Disney+ movie hitting the service in 2020 but its an enjoyable watch with younger family members. Adam Sandler does his best to make it fun for adults, although the 55 percent given by reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes clearly don’t agree.
#17. Planes (November 5th)
Planes wasn’t produced by Pixar even though it’s a Pixar spin-off. I’ve never watched and in all honesty, it looks terrible. Pixar have a knack of telling great stories with the most unusual characters, and come November 5th, Planes will be a movie I check out on Disney+. It’s really only to see if I agree or disagree with the 49 percent it received from reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes. Maybe Pixar could’ve produced it and done better?
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#16. Tarzan (June 23rd)
When Tarzan first hit theatres, the lightning-fast animation that blended 2D and 3D fluidly was mesmerizing. Tarzan might not be the best movie to hit Disney+ in 2020, but its characters and pacing make it perfect for a family night in. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave it a strong 75 percent.
#15. Frankenweenie (April 1st)
Frankenweenie looks fantastic in black and white, high-contrast and is delivered by the creative (and twisted) mind of Tim Burton. If you liked The Nightmare Before Christmas, then Frankenweenie‘s stop-motion animation is a must-watch. The movie earned a respectable 70 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.
#14. John Carter (May 2nd)
John Carter flopped in a big way. It cost an estimated $250 million and made only $73 million in the United States. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave it a less than average 60 percent and critics were even harsher. To this day, I still don’t understand why it was disliked so much. The story of jumping between planets and time travel remains interesting, the epic love story on Mars was well done and the movie looked spectacular with fantastic action sequences throughout. Perhaps when it arrives on Disney+ May 2nd, it’ll get some much deserved (and delayed) appreciation.
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#13. Maleficient (October 1st)
My wife is a huge Maleficient fan and in all honesty, it is a good movie, one that I’ve watched with her several times. What makes it so good is the original take on the Sleeping Beauty villain. Not only is it dark in a family-friendly way, but it’s spectacular looking on 4k UHD. It deserves more than the 70 percent earned on Rotten Tomatoes.
#12. Ant-Man and the Wasp (July 29th)
Everyone loves Paul Rudd, but not even his charms can make me watch Ant-Man and the Wasp again. It’s everything bad about the first Ant-Man movie, just with more noise. It’s not a bad movie, just a lighter, more comical Marvel romp. However, it doesn’t deserve the 76 percent it has on Rotten Tomatoes. Then again, perhaps I’m the only person fed up with the same kind of superhero movies?
#11. George of the Jungle (May 1st)
George of the Jungle was one of my daughter’s favorites growing up. It’s not a movie for adults but perfect for the Disney+ family-focused service. It includes a talking ape, a goofy Brendan Fraser, and most importantly, lots of kid-friendly laugh-out-loud moments. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the super-serious Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave the movie a terrible 41 percent.
#10. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (October 30th)
The movie earned a quarter of a billion dollars worldwide at the box office and 53 percent by reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes. It deserved more. The story was fun, the characters interesting, and the action sequences imaginative. It is no surprise that studios remake past successes, because trying something new often leads to less than desired results.
#9. Ralph Breaks the Internet (December 11th)
The creative minds at Pixar always impress. Even their worst movies are better than most. The same is true for this Wreck-It Ralph sequel. It’s not as good as the original, but with fun and likable characters, it is more than watchable. When it lands on Disney+ December 11th, it will be at least the third time I’ve watched the movie — proof it’s not as bad as the 65 percent it earned on Rotten Tomatoes.
#8. National Treasure (April 30th)
National Treasure is no Indiana Jones despite being about treasure hunting as gun-wielding bad guys chase the good guys. It’s simple, entertaining, and has an on-form Nicolas Cage. Amazingly, this movie isn’t torn to shreds on Rotten Tomatoes and earns a respectable 76 percent.
#7. Black Panther (March 4th)
Despite being one of the better stand-alone movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther was out after my interest in superheroes dipped. By this point, Marvel movies all blended together with predictable outcomes and the same pacing. This made the movies almost indistinguishable beyond the backdrops, heroes, and villains used. The movie earned a respectable 79 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.
#6. Solo: A Star Wars Story (July 9th)
This movie bombed at the box office. Disney blamed Star Wars fatigue, but the reality was fans were protesting against The Last Jedi. In all honesty, most didn’t want a Han Solo story. They liked the mystery surrounding the character. However, Solo: A Star Wars Story is a good action movie and compared to the new trilogy, deserving much more than the 63 percent attained on Rotten Tomatoes.
#5. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (August 5th)
This movie never really got the love it deserved and despite a weak 58 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is action-packed. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal (Donnie Darko), and one of the best actors ever, Ben Kingsley (Sexy Beast), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time shouldn’t be skipped.
#4. Incredibles 2 (July 30th)
If it wasn’t for Pixar, Disney+ would be a much worse service. From great shorts to amazing movies like The Incredibles, Pixar carries a lot of weight. This sequel isn’t as good as the first, but it does amp up the action and is a definite watch on July 30th. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave the film a positive 84 percent.
#3. Avengers: Infinity War (June 25th)
By the end of Avengers: Infinity War, I was rooting for Thanos. Bot because of his mass murder agenda, but because I’m fed up with superheroes. However, despite being bored of Marvel by this installment, there’s no doubting its quality. If Disney did Star Wars this well, I’d be a happy geek. The movie attained a 91 percent rating by Rotten Tomatoes reviewers.
#2. The Mighty Ducks (July 1st)
Forget the sequels — the original movie was a ’90s classic starring Emilio Estevez and a bunch of loveable goofs that come together on the ice. Who would have thought pee-wee hockey could be so entertaining? The Mighty Ducks earned a lukewarm 65 percent from reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes, though.
#1. Cool Runnings (January 1st)
Cool Runnings is the best Disney+ movie landing on the service in 2020. Starring the immortal John Candy, it tells a hilarious tale based on one of the most memorable moments in Olympic history. The movie was rated 81 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and should be atop everyone’s watchlist.
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