According to recent reports, CBS All Access is getting an upgrade and will unify Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, and Paramount Pictures. With access to the Miramax vault already on the cards, this additional content could make CBS All Access version 2.0 a streaming powerhouse.
With Paramount Pictures in mind, these are the 20 movies we want to see on CBS All Access 2.0 when it arrives.
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#20. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie – 78 percent
One of the biggest selling points CBS All Access 2.0 has going forward is its huge library of SpongeBob SquarePants cartoons. Despite its ratings, the SpongeBob movie is great fun. Plus, any movie where a face-melting guitar solo saves the day deserves to rank in a top 20.

#19. Transformers (2007) – 85 percent
When the first Transformers movie hit, it was a spectacle. Here was a ginormous franchise stacked full of explosions and slow-motion action sequences. That formula has grown old over the years, but CBS All Access needs the Transformers collection, because it scratches an itch many geeks (like me) have.

#18. Catch Me If You Can – 89 percent
The captivating Leo DiCaprio and the classy Tom Hanks come together in this Steven Spielberg movie. They produce a unique caper where master of deception and eager detective play cat-and-mouse. Catch Me If You Can is a movie suitable for all, and perfect for CBS All Access.

#17. Mission Impossible: Fallout – 87 percent
What’s not to love about the Mission: Impossible movie series? Tom Cruise doing big stunts and coming out on top is among the many highlights. Even MI:3 is top-tier popcorn fodder. Fallout is the best of the bunch; it’s bolder, and marks the best story from the series.

#16. The Truman Show – 89 percent
The Truman Show is an ageless movie — scarily suitable for modern times. Jim Carrey’s performance is stunning, turning what could have been a weird movie into a mainstream hit. With a story that’ll rival any on this list, The Truman Show must be on CBS All Access 2.0.

#15. Shutter Island – 76 percent
The one movie in recent memory that had a twist not easily predicted. If you haven’t seen Shutter Island, it is a must-watch. Leonardo DiCaprio is sensational, and the story is ingenious enough to watch twice back-to-back. Add the fact it’s directed by the legendary Martin Scorsese, and this movie probably belongs higher on this list.

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#14. Star Trek (2009) – 91 percent
What J.J. Abrams did for Star Trek is nothing short of a miracle. He made me, a hardened Star Wars fan, watch in envy. Simply put, Abrams revitalized and modernized Star Trek. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do the same for episodes VII and IX of Star Wars.

#13. True Grit (2010) – 85 percent
The John Wayne original is good, but the 2010 retelling by the Coen Brothers is a million times better. Jeff Bridges, Josh Brolin, and Matt Damon are great, yet it’s Hailee Steinfield’s Mattie who steals the show. If you’ve got a thing for Westerns, this is a movie you can’t skip.

#12. Super 8 – 75 percent
Super 8 takes the kids from IT (or Stranger Things) and puts them in a small town with a trapped alien looking for a way home. It’s cliche and unoriginal, yet it’s immensely enjoyable. The kids are fantastic, the pacing is spot on, and the big budget helps make the movie a great science fiction romp.

#11. The Wolf of Wall Street – 82 percent
Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio, and one hell of a story. If you want to watch a movie about Wall Street deviants, then this is it. It isn’t the usual dirty money story, although it does have that in abundance. The Wolf of Wall Street is more a story about drug-induced, sex-fueled greed.

#10. Sleepy Hollow – 80 percent
Sleepy Hollow is a dark, morbid tale, full of witchcraft and the unknown. Despite the subject matter, the movie has a tone that only Tim Burton and Johnny Depp can bring. With slapstick interactions and a curious humor, this supernatural movie is actually great fun.

#9. Face/Off – 82 percent
Remember when John Woo movies were all the rage and Nicolas Cage was a box office draw? Face/Off is from a time when machismo was all you needed for a blockbuster hit. This is a movie that can satisfy the most desensitized action junkies, and is thus a must for CBS All Access.

#8. Grease – 87 percent
I loathe musicals and love deep characters, so how does Grease make my list? Simple: it’s a movie from a childhood that had a limited VHS selection available. Grease was a recurring-watch, and to this day, whenever the music plays, I sit and watch. It’s automatic, hence the reason it’s top 10. The music made me do it.

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#7. Forrest Gump – 95 percent
Forrest Gump has become an iconic pop culture meme machine. Just saying the words “life is like a box of chocolates” is enough to bring Forrest fresh into mind. If CBS All Access 2.0 has its pick from the Paramount Pictures vault, Forrest Gump has to be included.

#6. Beverly Hills Cop – 82 percent
Eddie Murphy and Co. delivered one of the best buddy cop movies ever, and its sequel is pretty darn great too. CBS All Access would be wise to get all three Beverly Hills Cop movies (the less said about the third, the better) online as soon as possible. Netflix are making a fourth, and having the originals could be a great way to poach subscribers.

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#5. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom – 81 percent
Whether you’re a fan of Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Last Crusade, or Temple of Doom, we can all agree that the early Indiana Jones movies were great. It’s fantastic that CBS All Access 2.0 will have full access to Paramount Pictures, because we could finally have all the movies in one place.

#4. Coming to America – 85 percent
What can I say? I’m a huge Eddie Murphy fan. In my opinion, Coming to America tops Trading Places. However, both belong on CBS All Access from Paramount’s movie vault.

#3. Saving Private Ryan – 95 percent
The scenes where soldiers are missing limbs, bleeding out, and screaming remains emotionally impactful. No movie can capture the true horrors of war, but Saving Private Ryan does a good job of shocking our senses. For this alone, the movie is a must-see achievement. Add in a brilliant story, direction and performances, and it could easily be atop this list.

#2. Gladiator – 87 percent
Gladiator is a masterpiece. Its revenge story isn’t original, but Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix make it into something unforgettable. Their words and actions bring characters to life, forcing you to love and hate them respectively. Gladiator should be a CBS All Access staple.

CHECK OUT: Ranking the movies CBS All Access needs to stream from the Miramax vault.
#1. The Godfather: Part II – 97 percent
The original is great, but Part II is arguably the greatest sequel of all time. The 1974 gangster epic is Francis Ford Coppola’s magnum opus, and is Al Pacino’s and Robert De Niro’s finest work. If CBS All Access 2.0 can get The Godfather movies exclusively, no cord-cutting gangster fan will feel complete without subscribing.

What Paramount Pictures do you want to see on CBS All Access 2.0? Let us know on the social media links below.
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