Best Elvis Movies, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

Elvis Aaron Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll and is regarded as one of the most significant figures in the 20th century. He had a large influence across media, especially music, with his energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance style.

But he wasn’t just a singer. He also acted in over 30 movies during his time. If you’re a fan of his work and want to check out the best Elvis movies, then this list is for you.

While he has had several roles, we’re only going through the top 20 of his best performances, from the classic Jailhouse Rock, so maybe more obscure titles. Without further ado, here are the best Elvis movies that you need to check out and where you can find them.

23. Change of Habit, Amazon (1969)

Change Of Habit, Universal Pictures
Credit: Universal Pictures

22. Roustabout, Prime Video (1964)

Roustabout, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

21. Wild in the Country, Prime Video (1961)

Wild In The Country, 20Th Century Fox
Credit: 20th Century Fox

20. Loving You, Prime Video (1957)

Loving You, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

19. Charro, Prime Video and Peacock (1969)

Charro, National General Pictures
Credit: National General Pictures

18. Frankie & Johnny, Prime Video (1966)

Frankie And Johnny, United Artists
Credit: United Artists

17. Tickle Me, Prime Video (1965)

Tickle Me, Allied Artists Pictures
Credit: Allied Artists Pictures

16. Speedway, Prime Video (1968)

Speedway, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

15. Girl Happy, Prime Video (1965)

Girl Happy, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

14. Spinout, Prime Video (1966)

Spinoff, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

13. The Trouble with Girls, Prime Video (1969)

The Trouble With Girls, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

12. Viva Las Vegas, Prime Video (1964)

Viva Las Vegas, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

11.  It Happened at the World’s Fair, Prime Video (1963)

It Happened At The World'S Fair, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

10. Kissin Cousins, Prime Video (1964)

Kissin Cousins, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

9. Fun in Acapulco, Prime Video (1963)

Fun In Acapulco, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

8. Girls! Girls! Girls!, Prime Video (1962)

Girls Girls Girls, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

7. Follow That Dream, Amazon (1962)

Follow That Dream, United Artists
Credit: United Artists

6. Blue Hawaii, Prime Video (1961)

Blue Hawaii, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

5. Flaming Star, Prime Video (1960)

Flaming Star, 20Th Century Fox
Credit: 20th Century Fox

4. G.I Blues, Prime Video and Paramount Plus (1960)

Gi Blues, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

3. King Creole, Prime Video (1958)

King Creole, Paramount Pictures
Credit: Paramount Pictures

2. Jailhouse Rock, Prime Video (1957)

Jailhouse Rock, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

1. Love Me Tender, Prime Video (1956)

Love Me Tender, 20Th Century Fox
Credit: 20th Century Fox
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